23rd & 24th December, 2022 @ FDDI Chandigarh

International Conference on

Vision 2047: Sustainable Developments towards Atma Nirbhar Bharat (VSANB-2022)

    Objectives of Conference

    1. To identify and project current research trends in the area of Science, Technology and Nature.
    2. To advocate a paradigm shift in focus, thought, behaviour and outcomes towards growth and sustainability.
    3. To discuss important achievements, share best practices as well as create synergy with professionals, practitioners, and researchers across the globe for achieving growth and sustainabilit
  • Sub- Theame

    VSANB-2022 invites abstracts / papers with the following sub themes

    1. Advancement in the areas of Leather, Non-leather material, Tanning & Footwear Production and related technologies.
    2. Advancement in Retailing, Supply Chain integrations, Digital Reforms and Data Sciences.
    3. Innovations in design developments, Textiles, Computer Aided Designs and applications of AI in Designing & Productions.
    4. Applications of Digital Technology, Cloud Computing, AI, AR & VR in the areas of Business, Designs, Agriculture and Communications.
    5. Impact of Climate Change On Soil, Water, Bio-Resources and Biodiversity.
    6. Genetic improvements & Biotechnology in relation to climatic changes and food security.
    7. Post-harvest Technology and Value addition for food security.
    8. Nano Technology for increasing productivity in agriculture and different field of Science.
    9. New Trends in Agricultural, Biological, life Sciences, Natural, Medical, Chemical, Veterinary and its impacts on human and environment.
    10. New Trends in Agricultural, Biological, life Sciences, Natural, Medical, Chemical, Veterinary and its impacts on human and environment.
    11. New trends in home science with regards to various disciplines in changing environment.
    12. Applied aspects of physics, chemistry, Biology and allied sciences.
    13. Social empowerments of women & marginalized for sustainable developments.
    14. Livestock research and developmental programs
    15. Recent advances in business & management practices in the area of Marketing, HR, Productions & Finance.
    16. Environmental Science, Languages, Sport, Yoga, Social Sciences with Humanities

  • Theme- I

    Value Addition in Traditional Crops.

    Theme- II

    Climate Change & Agriculture

    Theme -III

    Recent Trends in Human & Animal Health Management

    Theme- IV

    Allied Sciences, Environment, Engineering, Innovations in ICT

    Theme- V

    Textile, Fashion, Yoga, Social Sciences & Management